

Historically, the goddess of wheat and agriculture has stood in for Virgo, an earth sign that emphasizes Virgo's enduring influence in the tangible world. Virgos approach life in a methodical, sensible, and rational manner. This earth sign is a perfectionist at heart and doesn't mind honing abilities through focused, regular practice. Since Virgo is the sign that governs the digestive system, earth signs are very sensitive to the components of everything, including food. They pay extreme attention to every aspect. Mercury, the messenger planet of communication, rules Virgo. Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo, although these two signs are very different from one another: Virgo is about input and processing, while Gemini is about output and expression... A Virgo handles data as if it were a computer, organizing even the most disorganized collection of data into coherent ideas. Even while Virgos aspire to be careful in all they do, they must keep in mind that pursuing perfection all the time can be harmful to oneself or other people. It's crucial for Virgos to understand that blemishes are not defects and that beauty can be found in our imperfections. Virgos are helpers above everything. They are incredibly intelligent and resourceful problem solvers who are also kind, gentle, and supportive friends and lovers. Pisces, the opposing sign of Virgo, provides spiritual direction, but Virgos like to help out in the real world.

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